Reaping where we haven't even sown!
Reaping the Harvest Christian Church
201 Aversboro Rd. Ste 225 Garner NC 27529
The harvest is truly plenteous but the workers are few and we believe God has commissioned us for such a time as this.
If God leads, we invite you to join us at RHCC, where our passion is to teach the Word of God with simplicity, so simple that even a child can understand it.
Our mission is to reap lost souls and ensure that the family unit be strengthened by providing biblical, life applicable, teaching, preaching and outreach.
Our vision is to locally and globally empower families so they can experience victory in every area of their lives and we invite you to be a part of this world-wide vision.
We invite you to benefit from our food ministry and clothing ministry as you have need.
If you are not saved, we want you to know that Jesus loved you so much that he paid the price for your sins on the cross, so that you can have a relationship with him here on earth and eternal life, not a religion. Visit the "You Are Forgiven" page for more information.
If you're already saved, passionate about leading the lost to Christ, and seeing the family unit strengthen and restored, we invite you to join us as we reap the harvest for the kingdom of God!
Our weekly worship services are every Sunday at 11:00 and Bible App on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30.
On Sunday mornings, come experience the presence of God through praise, worship, prayer, and biblical teaching and preaching that will transform your thinking, renew your mind and ultimately transform your life!